Category Egyptian Arabic

English to Egyptian (Arabic)

A blog post on the main website, where the course is hosted (securely in Belgium)?! Yes! A blog post (sort of) has been posted on the main website of StackArabic. This is the link for all of you interested people:…

Free? Yes. Free resources!

Now, this post is specifically about all the “FREE” resources available on StackArabic. Let’s list them one by one. I like giving free information and help, with these you’ll already learn a lot! Start forming phrases, have small conversations. The…

How to learn Egyptian Arabic fast?

In this article I’ll write about all the questions that I see being asked frequently. It’s about how to learn Egyptian Arabic. If you’re currently looking to learn this dialect then you’ve come to the right place (I won’t disappoint…

Welcome aboard @StackArabic

You’re a part of this community. I appreciate all of you being part of the community of StackArabic!17 students that have put their faith in me and my course, that means A LOT to me. I won’t let you down.…

The Best Way Of Learning

What is the best way of learning a language? Is there such a thing as a best way even? I would actually like to say yes and I’ll go even further: you can learn Egyptian Arabic the best way using…

The making of StackArabic

The reason for creating StackArabic was because I want to help those looking to learn Egyptian Arabic and to share a better way of learning with my course. I studied the language (dialect) entirely by myself. Why?There weren’t any decent…